How Do Doctors Cope With The Surgery?

A Doctor plays a vital role in everyone’s Life, doctors are the one who will give second life to Live by doing Surgery. Doctors are something which is God Gift to Human creature. Doctor is the clinical scientists apply the principles and procedure of medicine to prevent, diagnose, care for and treat patients with illness, disease and injury and to maintain physical and mental health. They supervise the implementation of care and treatment plans by others in the health care team conduct medical education and research.


Surgery is a medical or dental speciality that uses operative manual and instrumental techniques on a person to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as a disease or injury, to help to improve bodily function, appearance, or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. The act of performing surgery may be called as a surgical procedure, operation or simply “surgery”. A procedure is considered surgical when it involves cutting of a person’s tissues or closure of a previously sustained wound.

Experiences with death and dying:

Surgeons experiences with death and dying in the context of life limiting illnesses, can be described under four different sub-themes.

  1. Exposure to death and dying:

Surgeons’ exposure to death and dying is a sub-theme that incorporates the descriptions of their contact with dying patients. The underlying for the death had a significant impact on how the individual surgeon rationalized or explained the experience. Deaths that seemed to be taken more personally were those that occurred perioperatively often in these patients who were still under the care of the surgeon. Deaths as a result of disease progression were less unexpected or able to be attributed to a failure of treatment, however, only a few surgeons reacted to these types of death with less sense of personal responsibility and more acceptance. When surgeons compared the deaths of patients with advanced illnesses, to those who died as a result of trauma or medical error, they differentiated them by saying that the latter was more memorable and had a more personal impact on them.

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The frequency of deaths due to progressive disease seemed to differ according to the area of surgery of each specialist. Those in cancer surgery were exposed more frequently, in contrast with those who had fewer cancer patients and had a more mixed practice.

  1. Challenging situations:

As a sub-theme, challenging situations include situations in which surgeons described having challenging interactions with patients or being affected by a specific circumstance.

Participants described having challenging conversations with patients in different circumstances related to surgical procedures, these included: when being unable to perform surgery, starting an operation but failing to accomplish the intended outcome, after the operation if there were postoperative complications. Unexpected outcomes were always difficult and talking with patients or patient’s relatives after these occurrences were described as hard. Additionally, participants described the anticipation of deaths as a challenging moment that had more meaning the death itself, since the realization that the illness could not be cured changed their interaction with the patient. This was similar to when the disease recurred and when needing to seek support from other disciplines, such as medical oncology or palliative care. This might be seen as a public acknowledgment of ‘failure’.

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Another challenge was the decision about attending funerals. Almost all Participants had made active decisions to not attend, as would cross-boundary between the personal and the professional. One aspect that seemed to protect

Participants during the most challenging situations were having the opportunity to have contact with palliative care services. Most surgeons identified palliative care as a source of support, particularly in these transitions.

  1. Emotional reactions:

The emotional reactions associated with participants’ experiences with dying patients were diverse. Most of the participants describe feelings of sadness, disappointment, distress, disbelief, and frustration; other participants referred to having regrets about specific courses of actions, feeling a sense of failure, but they were also accepting that when having a life-limiting illness, death does happen. Their emotional responses were associated with the age of the patient: younger patients appeared to elicit more negative emotion, were like a death in the older patients who seem to have lived a good life were differentiated as less lamentable.

  1. Impact of death and dying:

Working in an environment where patients die on a regular basis brought a heightened awareness of life and death many participants described a constant awareness of their own mortality, as well as self-identification with dying patient dealing with a dying patient was a learning opportunity for many surgeons they describe gaining perspective on life by knowing the hardship that other people endure. Participants recognize an impact on their own Family.

For Example, some of them describe the avoidance of discussions about stressful cases at home, or returning home exhausted and wanting to be alone after particularly difficult days.

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Professionally, participants felt that dealing with dying patients harden them. They often felt inadequate when having to see patients who did not have surgical options, having a tendency to avoid or postpone those encounters.

The lifestyle of a Surgeon who performs surgery:

For general surgeons, no two days are exactly alive. They have to work in by 24 by 7 hours for the patients especially whenever there is a need in the form of any emergency. They have a daily routine for example 7-8 A.M


Hospitalized patient’s progress and issues from the previous day and night are discussed, and suggestions are made for further care. Today’s cases so reviewed. The on-call surgeon who is completing his shift updates the group on a patient injured in a car crash who required surgery last night to remove a ruptured spleen. Another surgeon seeks input on the best approach for an elderly patient who is scheduled for a complex hernia repair.

“When you have a group like ours with a vast breadth of experience there’s always someone who has seen a similar case and can provide advice”. 8-9 AM


The surgeons disperse into groups to check on patients in the hospital and discuss their progress with nurses and clinical staff and accordingly give them further instructions on what and what not to do. 9-5 PM


The doctor enters the operating room for his first case of the day. He starts the particular operation and works on it so that the patient should be able to leave the next morning. Over the next 8 hours, he completes the entire patient’s surgery which requires to be done, and then he goes to OPD and do the check-ups as well doctors spend the day in his office, meeting new patients and following up with patients he operated on last week.” It’s very important to answer questions in terms patients understand and carefully lay out all of their options” they spend at least 45 mins with new patients, examine them, determining the further testing is needed and answering the question. 5-7 PM


As the day went down, the surgeons use their after- hours-time to catch on the development ion their field doctor prepares for their self-assessment exam that the board of surgery require every surgeon to complete every 3 years to maintain certification they have to attend a certain surgical conference on weekly basics or whenever they required to learn some surgical techniques and getting information of latest tools and equipment and technology which is helpful for further surgeries. Would like to end up by saying these

“Every surgeon’s carry within himself a small cemetery, where from time to time he goes to pray”.

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About Author:

Vikash Kumar Pal is an experienced professional SEO expert and strategist dedicated to driving organic growth for businesses of all sizes. With a deep understanding of search engine algorithms and proven expertise in crafting data-driven strategies, Vikash has helped countless businesses boost their online presence and achieve sustainable success.

Vikash has enhanced his skills in healthcare SEO services, professional organic SEO servicesadvanced local SEO servicesexpert on-page SEO servicesprofessional WordPress SEO services and technical SEO services. His comprehensive approach combines advanced keyword research with an in-depth understanding of international SEO and user behavior, ensuring best organic growth.

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