A medical intern is a physician in training who has graduated from medical school and has a medical degree but does not yet have a license to practice medicine unsupervised. Medical education generally ends with a period of practical training which is similar to medical internships, but the way the overall program of academic and practical medical training is structured differs from region to region.
How DoctifyIndia helps you?
Doctify India provides medical internships to thousands of medical students. Our company is linked with more than thirty-five medical institutes throughout India. We are committed to provide medical internship services to all graduated students and take intense care in carrying out all the formalities with utmost care and perfection. In this way, we are benefitting both the employers as well as the job seekers. Doctify India is an innovative consulting agency that mainly deals with all the necessities related to the medical domain. Whether it’s medical equipment supplies, medical staff hiring, professional doctor hiring, medical tourism, facilities, medical internship, or anything, we fulfill all your demands. In short, we are devoted to providing overall healthcare services that eventually help in forming a massive platform for patient care. We strongly believe in forming a better and stronger relationship between care and cure. Our objective is also to create a better, healthier, fitter, and stronger healthcare environment. We provide various medical internships to different medical aspirants throughout India.
How to get DoctifyIndia services
All you need to do is submit your resume and sign up on our website for ease of conduct, transfer of data, and communication. Our portal is authentic, reliable, easy to use and operates. Here, you can sign up yourself as a medical candidate too.
Address: 313 Living Style Mall, Jasola, Delhi, 1100225
Contact: 011 49069240, 9873770804
Open hours: Monday – Saturday (10am- 5pm), Sunday (closed)
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